Články autora

Linda Zambrano Dachova

Hospitality expert willing to help you to reach your goals. Author of eBook about service and hospitality From Zero to Hero and How to get a dream job. More on
World of Linda
8.7. 2020

Got your guest’s comments? Thank and answer, show you CARE.

When you have a perfect tool, use it. Comment cards, printed or online, are the best tool you can have free in your business. Your customers directly telling you how and what to do. Take a time and give attention to this important aspect of your business. Guests giving you with comment free consultation and feedback. Value this opinion and say THANK YOU. This is the way of success, personal development and business goal reach. CARE. Magic word which you can feel.

1.7. 2020

Zastav sa – pozoruj- počúvaj a vykonaj – STAROSTLIVOSŤ O KLIENTA

Ukážte zákazníkom starostlivosť. Začína sa to úsmevom, pozdravom a láskou. K tomu čo robíte, k tomu čo ponúkate. Keď sa zákazník cíti vítaný, vráti sa. A o to tu ide. Teraz máte šancu vrátiť vaše podnikanie tam, kde bolo pred koronou. Neváhajte a začnite. Dnes. Oplatí sa to!

24.6. 2020

Stop – See – Listen and Do – CARE

Give service and love, your clients will always come back to you. Easy? Very much.Right now is time to go back to basic.

18.6. 2020

Curacao – moja februárová návšteva a prvá AirBnb skúsenosť.

Odporúčam cestu do pre Slovákov exotickej destinácie. Náklady nie sú až také vysoké ako by sa zdalo na prvý pohľad. Splňte si sen o Karibiku. Z Viedne cez Amsterdam sú lacné lety a je to pohodlných 9 hodín k úžasnému dobrodružstvu. Pracovať online sa dá na ostrove skoro všade, jedlá sú výborné a biele pláže nádherné.

10.6. 2020

My visit of Curacao in February – First AirBnb experience

Visit Curacao any time of the year. AirBnb is a very good choice. Have a look what a great experience we had. Pictures, what to do, beaches and all informations you need.

23.5. 2020

Reason to hire the ex seaman for your business on land

There is many reasons why to hire a new person to your business. But why to hire the ex seaman is a BIG reason. All qualification, business orientation and loyalty you find in one person. Give an opportunity and you will see is worthed.

10.5. 2020

Support local hospitality

After pandemic Covid 19 all hospitality and service business needs a bust. Is up to all of us to help economy and local producers to keep going again. They all need our money, help and love. We will get it back in quality. Supporting customer service and provide amazing feelings will pay off. Professionals are professionals.

30.7. 2019

We all have a choice

Hospitality business is great. Can give a lot. Opportunities, stories, life. Is only up to you what youtake from it. You always havea choice. Follow your dreams.

10.7. 2019

Be yourself

We live in the 21st century. The role and position of partners in society has changed enormoursly compared to 100 years ago. Today, two-career marriages and relations are nothing special. It is important to interplay and respect each other. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, the couple will make a decision that one of the partners will...

27.6. 2019

Little joys of life

Little joys of life – such as a train journey. I recently went to the capital to visit a friend. It is with a speed train for about 4 hours. I was well prepared, and the computer went with me. It is unbelievable how much can happen in that time. As soon as I started to create something, the Miss siting...