Support local hospitality

Travelling and vacations this year will be different. Different from anything you knew untill now. New reasons, new regulations, new style. Forget about fully booked planes, cheap bus rides and exotic trips for everyone. This year – you want to stay home. Not really in one place – your house – but country you know and you live in.

This year you will find the easy way to get around – by car – and organize your free week at some lovely place you will be grateful later on that you found it. This year local people will appreciate that you give them opportunity to take care of you and your family and will do everything to see you back again. Also your friends.

Hotels, restaurants, resorts got to unexpected situation they never had before. And now is up to you to help. To support the country economy, local families and producers. You will spend maybe more money than before for your leisure but this year vacations will be different. You will do it from your heart and get back the service from the heart.

Unexpected situation made you revise you life, priorities and everything what follows. This year you will get the things you missed without even knowing that. Every situation has a plus and minus. This year is only plus. You got closer to your family, feeling happy to see your friends again. This year you will spend your time different.

With hope that this year you help and will be helped, lets keep together and support our local hospitality business. Is worthed. Continue your life, make a difference. Do not stop to dream and follow your desires.

Hospitality expert willing to help you to reach your goals. Author of eBook about service and hospitality From Zero to Hero and How to get a dream job. More on

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