#worldoflinda #mundodelinda #seaman #crewjob #followyourdreams #onlinebusiness #crewlife #mybusiness #traveling #hospitality #hotel #dreamjob #job #cruise # care #onlinecoach

Články pro štítek #worldoflinda #mundodelinda #seaman #crewjob #followyourdreams #onlinebusiness #crewlife #mybusiness #traveling #hospitality #hotel #dreamjob #job #cruise # care #onlinecoach
Výletné plavby sú späť
11.1. 2022

Výletné plavby “po novom”

Pred pandémiou , teda asi tak rok a pol dozadu, by ma ani vo sne nenapadlo že výletné lode budú mať ročnú odstávku. Lodné spoločnosti začali prevádzkovať plavby tesne začiatkom leta 2021 – teda väčšinou v júni – a postupne spúšťajú viac a viac plavidiel z flotily. Samozrejme to záleží od jednotlivých spoločností, tie európske začali ešte v 2020 a opatrne pridávajú...

21.10. 2021

Prečo práve DuoLife?

Tekuté vitamíny od DuoLife sú skvelé. Podporia celé telo, sú prírodné, certifikované a tekuté. Či už je to Keratin, Chlorofil, Aloes, Collagen či Liquid Gold olej oplatí sa vyskúšať. re tých, ktorí nemusia alebo nemôžu lieky sú tieto tekuté vitamíny prínosom. Urobte si život krajší s DuoLife.

World of Linda
8.7. 2020

Got your guest’s comments? Thank and answer, show you CARE.

When you have a perfect tool, use it. Comment cards, printed or online, are the best tool you can have free in your business. Your customers directly telling you how and what to do. Take a time and give attention to this important aspect of your business. Guests giving you with comment free consultation and feedback. Value this opinion and say THANK YOU. This is the way of success, personal development and business goal reach. CARE. Magic word which you can feel.

1.7. 2020

Zastav sa – pozoruj- počúvaj a vykonaj – STAROSTLIVOSŤ O KLIENTA

Ukážte zákazníkom starostlivosť. Začína sa to úsmevom, pozdravom a láskou. K tomu čo robíte, k tomu čo ponúkate. Keď sa zákazník cíti vítaný, vráti sa. A o to tu ide. Teraz máte šancu vrátiť vaše podnikanie tam, kde bolo pred koronou. Neváhajte a začnite. Dnes. Oplatí sa to!

10.5. 2020

Support local hospitality

After pandemic Covid 19 all hospitality and service business needs a bust. Is up to all of us to help economy and local producers to keep going again. They all need our money, help and love. We will get it back in quality. Supporting customer service and provide amazing feelings will pay off. Professionals are professionals.

30.7. 2019

We all have a choice

Hospitality business is great. Can give a lot. Opportunities, stories, life. Is only up to you what youtake from it. You always havea choice. Follow your dreams.

5.2. 2019

Why i decided to write a blog

I have a dream job and I live a life I dreamed of. However, when I was looking for the necessary information to help my friends, I couldn’t find NOTHING. That was the first impulse to go into it. Second – years ago when I started out, I would be grateful for any information. But again – there was NOTHING. Now I have the...

Linda - expert on customer service
5.2. 2019

Live your dreams!!!!!!

Dream JOB… what is it like? First of all you have to enjoy and have fun. It doesn’t matter what you are paid for. If you’re not happy with it, it’s time to change. Read the following for inspiration. Traveling to Mexico or the Dominican Republic is always an experience. I’m writing it right now...