Dream job

Články pre štítok Dream job
30.7. 2019

We all have a choice

Hospitality business is great. Can give a lot. Opportunities, stories, life. Is only up to you what youtake from it. You always havea choice. Follow your dreams.

10.7. 2019

Be yourself

We live in the 21st century. The role and position of partners in society has changed enormoursly compared to 100 years ago. Today, two-career marriages and relations are nothing special. It is important to interplay and respect each other. Sometimes, for a variety of reasons, the couple will make a decision that one of the partners will...

Linda - expert on customer service
5.2. 2019

Live your dreams!!!!!!

Dream JOB… what is it like? First of all you have to enjoy and have fun. It doesn’t matter what you are paid for. If you’re not happy with it, it’s time to change. Read the following for inspiration. Traveling to Mexico or the Dominican Republic is always an experience. I’m writing it right now...